Thoughts about 05. February

GOD is with you to bless you and to help you. His mind is around you.

Do not waver in your faith and do not let up in prayer. All power belongs to the Lord. Tell yourself that again and again and with conviction. Tell yourself until your heart sings with joy about inner security and strength. Tell yourself until the power of your own statement is enough to drive all evil out of your life. Make it your battle cry. All power belongs to the LORD! Then you will overcome all your sins and temptations and live a victorious life.


In a year through the Bible

Old Testament

Exodus 21,22 - 36 and Exodus 22,1 - 31 to Exodus 23,1 - 13

Psalm 30,1 - 12

Bible wisdom: Proverbs 8,12 - 21

New Testament

Matthew 24,1 - 28
