"If my God's ways seem strange, mysterious and difficult to me, and if the wishes I cherish sink quietly into the sea of worries, if the day that has brought me nothing but pain and suffering passes dull and heavy, then I can remember one thing: that God never makes a mistake!"
(Herbert Sack | Written in Stalingrad in 1943)
"When the Lord's thoughts are too high for me, the wells of His grace are too deep, when all supports are shaking helplessly, I lack strength and patience, when my gaze can no longer find a goal in anxious, tearful vigil, a spark of faith nevertheless announces that God never makes a mistake!"
(Herbert Sack | Written in Stalingrad in 1943)
"When my heart trembles in despair over unresolved questions, when I want to despair of God's love because ignorance rises, then I can gently place all my weary longing into God's hands and say with tears that God never makes a mistake."
(Herbert Sack | Written in Stalingrad in 1943)
"So be still, my heart, and let everything earthly and fleeting pass away, in the light above you will see that the paths he shows are good. And if you have to miss what you love most, even if it goes through cold, dark night, hold on to this blessed knowledge: that God never makes a mistake!"
(Herbert Sack | Written in Stalingrad in 1943)
"If my God's ways seem strange, mysterious and difficult to me, and if the wishes I cherish sink quietly into the sea of worries, if the day that has brought me nothing but pain and suffering passes dull and heavy, then I can remember one thing: that God never makes a mistake!"
(Herbert Sack | Written in Stalingrad in 1943)
"When the Lord's thoughts are too high for me, the wells of His grace are too deep, when all supports are shaking helplessly, I lack strength and patience, when my gaze can no longer find a goal in anxious, tearful vigil, a spark of faith nevertheless announces that God never makes a mistake!"
(Herbert Sack | Written in Stalingrad in 1943)
"When my heart trembles in despair over unresolved questions, when I want to despair of God's love because ignorance rises, then I can gently place all my weary longing into God's hands and say with tears that God never makes a mistake."
(Herbert Sack | Written in Stalingrad in 1943)
"So be still, my heart, and let everything earthly and fleeting pass away, in the light above you will see that the paths he shows are good. And if you have to miss what you love most, even if it goes through cold, dark night, hold on to this blessed knowledge: that God never makes a mistake!"
(Herbert Sack | Written in Stalingrad in 1943)
Thoughts about 17. February
You cannot see the future.
And that is a real blessing. You couldn't stand knowing the whole future. That is why GOD reveals them to you from one day to the next. Your day should always start with offering your will to God and letting him decide what is good for you. Be sure if you trust him, his actions will only be for your own good. Then you have to be firmly convinced that with GOD no thing is impossible. Everything is in his power to accomplish the impossible in your life. So everything left to him with confidence.